We often tell our clients that a website should never be "done."
If a website is done, that implies that there is no room for improvement or that the website can't adapt to changing needs of the organization or business. It can also imply that an organization is inactive by only offering stale content to visitors. Worse, it could imply that the client is not willing to protect the investment made to create a website by keeping it updated.
As noted in a previous post, the cobbler's children often have no shoes. The cobbler is often so busy making shoes for others that there is little time to make shoes for the family. That is again where we found ourselves while upgrading the DSquaredB Consulting website to the newly-released Drupal 8. Our priorities are our clients' websites and our company website gets whatever leftover time we can devote to it.
So, firmly believing that a website should never truly be done, we decided to launch this "in-progress" website re-design in early 2016, shortly after Drupal 8 was released. As Drupal 8 has matured and as time has allowed, we continue to improve and update it. But even today - a year later - we are content to be another "never done" website.