Often it's the very thing you spend the majority of your time doing for others that you neglect to do for yourself. There are wallpaper hangers with bare walls at home waiting for wallpaper to be hung. And carpenters who build beautiful homes for others and their own front stoop could use a few reinforcing nails.
It can be the same with website desginers and builders. Our days are filled with helping to create well-designed websites for businesses and organizations with all the functions necessary to promote their business and give their clients a great user experience.
But alas, at the end of the day, we often neglect our own websites. DSquared-B Consulting has been guilty of this kind of neglect. Over the next few weeks, we will turn our attention to this website. We will refresh and update the site to better reflect who we are and what we do. Our first priority is still our clients so if it takes a little longer than a few weeks, please have patience.
Here's hoping that this cobbler's children get those new shoes soon.